
What Our Clients Say About Us:

“I cannot function normally. All the specialists are clueless and cannot help so I went searching for a holistic doctor and someone referred me to you. I am so exhausted sometimes I can’t even get off the couch and it’s worse around my period. My bowels don’t move but every 3 days and they are abnormal with mucus and foul smell. I feel dizzy and foggy. I can’t get rid of this anxiety and tremors. I can only get about 3 hours of sleep at a time at night. I feel like my body is attacking itself. I need someone to give me answers.”

2 months later: “After thorough reading, I don’t think I have Meniere’s Disease like one of my doctors had diagnosed me with – I think you have pegged it with Adrenal Dysfunction. I don’t know how to express my gratitude toward you for hanging with me through this. Anyone else would throw up their hands and say sorry! I know I am better than I was and I can’t wait to be well all the way! You are truly a Godsend.”

1 month later: “I definitely am better than I was and I am so grateful that God put you in my life when he did! You are awesome at what you do.”

Angie R., 42 year old female, Arkansas

“So I’ve always said I’d never eat a diabetic diet if I got diabetes. Well, here I am with diabetes and heart disease. You made it so easy to understand which made it easier for me to follow. My HgbA1c is down from 12 to 5.3 now! And my cholesterol has dropped from 236 down to 183. My coworkers are asking me what diet I’m on and I’ve learned to reply, “I’m not on a diet, only a lifestyle change.” So you’ve made my wife happy because of how much this has changed me for the better. We have started walking in the evenings together too and even got our kids to ride the bikes alongside us so it’s actually been a good change for our family. I appreciate your help and I’ve given several people your contact info when they’ve asked who has helped me.”

Robert G., 39 year old male, Texas

“I’m so glad you do telemedicine! I could not find a functional medicine practitioner in my area. Oh, and by the way, no more stomach pains and rashes! I’ve stuck to the plan you made out for me, with the exception of being more relaxed on vacation about it, and my 20 plus years of stomach issues are now resolved. I’m telling everyone about you!”

Stephanie M., Tennessee

“You are my angel sent. No one could help me with the fatigue and insomnia. You’ve saved my life. My husband can’t thank you enough and my kids are happy to start seeing their mom back again. I’m taking it slow like you encouraged, but each day I’m feeling more like my old self. Thank you for helping people like us with Adrenal Fatigue. Thank you for explaining the how & why it evolved and the direction to heal.”

Angie R., 44 year old, Arkansas

“I like what Christie Brooks, FM, RD, told me about ‘never using the words cheat days or cheat meals because you should never cheat yourself.’ So I look at those random days as my ‘trade-off days’ and I compromise with myself and make sure I’m getting at least 200g of protein on those days I eat something off plan.”

Seth W


What Our Clients Say About Us:

“I cannot function normally. All the specialists are clueless and cannot help so I went searching for a holistic doctor and someone referred me to you. I am so exhausted sometimes I can’t even get off the couch and it’s worse around my period. My bowels don’t move but every 3 days and they are abnormal with mucus and foul smell. I feel dizzy and foggy. I can’t get rid of this anxiety and tremors. I can only get about 3 hours of sleep at a time at night. I feel like my body is attacking itself. I need someone to give me answers.”

2 months later: “After thorough reading, I don’t think I have Meniere’s Disease like one of my doctors had diagnosed me with – I think you have pegged it with Adrenal Dysfunction. I don’t know how to express my gratitude toward you for hanging with me through this. Anyone else would throw up their hands and say sorry! I know I am better than I was and I can’t wait to be well all the way! You are truly a Godsend.”

1 month later: “I definitely am better than I was and I am so grateful that God put you in my life when he did! You are awesome at what you do.”

Angie R., 42 year old female, Arkansas

“So I’ve always said I’d never eat a diabetic diet if I got diabetes. Well, here I am with diabetes and heart disease. You made it so easy to understand which made it easier for me to follow. My HgbA1c is down from 12 to 5.3 now! And my cholesterol has dropped from 236 down to 183. My coworkers are asking me what diet I’m on and I’ve learned to reply, “I’m not on a diet, only a lifestyle change.” So you’ve made my wife happy because of how much this has changed me for the better. We have started walking in the evenings together too and even got our kids to ride the bikes alongside us so it’s actually been a good change for our family. I appreciate your help and I’ve given several people your contact info when they’ve asked who has helped me.”

Robert G., 39 year old male, Texas

“I’m so glad you do telemedicine! I could not find a functional medicine practitioner in my area. Oh, and by the way, no more stomach pains and rashes! I’ve stuck to the plan you made out for me, with the exception of being more relaxed on vacation about it, and my 20 plus years of stomach issues are now resolved. I’m telling everyone about you!”

Stephanie M., Tennessee

“You are my angel sent. No one could help me with the fatigue and insomnia. You’ve saved my life. My husband can’t thank you enough and my kids are happy to start seeing their mom back again. I’m taking it slow like you encouraged, but each day I’m feeling more like my old self. Thank you for helping people like us with Adrenal Fatigue. Thank you for explaining the how & why it evolved and the direction to heal.”

Angie R., 44 year old, Arkansas

“I like what Christie Brooks, FM, RD, told me about ‘never using the words cheat days or cheat meals because you should never cheat yourself.’ So I look at those random days as my ‘trade-off days’ and I compromise with myself and make sure I’m getting at least 200g of protein on those days I eat something off plan.”

Seth W





